Monday, February 1, 2016

Hey Howdy Hey!…Week 74

Dear Everyone!
How are you all doing? I hope well :) This week has been pretty lame. I got really sick on Tuesday and because of that, I have not been able to leave the apartment much...which KILLS me! I am feeling better now and we FINALLY had a regular missionary day yesterday for the first time in days and it was so NICE! I talked to everyone I saw! Me and my Companion have renamed Our Apartment the prison. Hahaha...WE ARE FREE! :) Søster Larsen has been such a strength for me. She rubs my back while I lay half dead on the floor and she tells me funny stories. I love her!
We visited this amazing woman yesterday who is very sick. The elders bring her the sacrament every week and we tagged along to visit her yesterday. She grew up in LA! We had a good chat. We all talked about how much we love America and miss cheddar cheese! ;) Hahahaha! I love the spirit you can feel when coming into someone’s home who is living the gospel and following the commandments. You can feel the difference! I am so grateful to my parents for making our home like that!

That is about all the exciting missionary things we did this week. OH WAIT! Last week we met this girl! OH MY GOODNESS! So we are not supposed to contact children and so sometimes we pass by people on the streets BUT there was this girl walking and she looked really young so we let her walk pass. Then we were like NO we need to talk to her so we ran after her and I pulled out a pass along card that had a Picture of Jesus Christ on it and I said, "Do you know who is this is?".  She didn't say anything (I thought she was being rude) but when she looked up she was CRYING! She said, "How did you know? I have been praying for the first time in ages this week because my parents are having a hard time." She then told us she was 19, from Spain and wanted to find God. She was just AMAZED that we were there offering her Christ are that moment! God is mindful of His children...ALWAYS! It was so cool! She is so sweet! We meet with her again later this week. :)
OK family...that’s about alll! I love you! Gud vær med deg til vi sees igjen! 

-Søster Neilson

Found a penguin in the North Pole! :)

BEAUTIFUL Tromso in the winter!

Hahaha! They went fishing as a district today!
She got the first catch of the day in less 
than 10 minutes! :)

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