Monday, May 4, 2015

Nah nah nah nah nah nah I LOVE YOU!!!…Week 35


Hello people on planet America! How is life? How is the sun? Its getting a little warmer here. The sun sets around 9:30 at night and I can still see the sun glow out my window at 10:30! Its crazy! So I had EVERYTHING I wanted to share written out on a piece of paper and left it at home...haha oh well! So we are not allowed to send pictures from the church computers which means we need to run to the library to send pictures but we may not have time today so I am sorry if pictures don’t happen this week! But I do have many though so be PREPARED! 

Holy cow you guys! Life is just a whirl wind! So much has happened! I hit my official 8 month mark yesterday which means I am almost half way done with this incredible adventure. I try not to think too much about it because my heart really is in Norway and with these people. They have forever been engraved upon my heart and soul!
Sarpsborg is a wonderful area! So many people are prepared and ready to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I am so impressed with all of my investigators. They understand that they don’t know everything right now BUT they are relying on faith and earnestly seeking after truth! They read and pray and listen to their promptings! What amazing people! I feel like they are my little children and I am watching them learn and grow! (Even though most of them are old enough to be my parents, grandparents and GREAT grandparents! Hahaha Norwegians live forever!) There is a Norwegian saying here "Frisk som en fisk!" (Healthy like a fish!) Hahaha...every time an old Norwegian tells me how old they are they say they are healthy because they eat fish! Hahaha...I like fish! ;) 
So my companion got a phone call from this woman’s daughter randomly this week who wanted to feed us dinner! Both of us had never met her and we didn’t know who she was! We get to the house and I see these two little kids pop there heads out of the door... they looked REALLY familiar... and then the door opened all the way and it was WENCHE! (Pronounced like Vencka). Wenche is a member from my first area in Trondheim! I haven’t seen her in like 5 months! I was shocked! She started crying and then I couldn’t stop hugging her! Turns out she grew up in Sarpsborg and was down visiting her mother and knew I was serving here! was so good to see her again! Her kids just ran around like crazy while I took pictures...I ADORE them! :) 
We went and visited an American family named the Hoopers this week! They are so hilarious! Brother Hooper is from Texas and Sister Hooper is from Norway! They have like a ton of kids! They are so awesome! :) While we were there Sister G and I were jumping on the trampoline with their daughters and sister Hooper comes over and asks, "Do you guys want to see a moose?" UHHHH...YES PLEASE! So we run over and there are these 4 moose running around! SOOOOOO cute! Then the Hooper boys started joking around about how good moose tastes... No thank you! Hahaha ;) They are so American. Its a beautiful thing. I love it!!!
MIRACLES!!! So this week we set a specific time to go......... FAITH FINDING!!! We began in this small neighborhood a few minutes walk from our home. We saw this woman out on her porch watering her flowers. We began talking to her and she seemed very interested. She could not speak much Norwegian or English so she asked us to come back in about an hour when her daughter would be home. We continued walking and knocking on some doors. We met an older man named Frank. He invited us to come back later that week. He was very kind and welcoming. We then visited this woman we met on the street the week before. She was SO kind! She invited us into her home even though she did not have much time. She gave us juice and peanuts and asked us if we had eaten dinner. She was so sweet! We shared a short spiritual thought and then made a return dinner appointment!  As we were leaving she ran over to us and gave us both scarfs from Morocco! We are VERY excited to visit her and her family again! She is married with 3 sons. Next, we went back and visited the woman on the porch and taught her and her 3 kids! We found and taught 2 families! Wahoo! It was amazing and the Spirit was very strong! 
So cool! Well my peeps, I love you and I hope all is well in America! 

Gud vaær med dere til vi sees igjen!  

-Søster Neilson

Photo Note: Apparently she didn't make it to the library to upload and send photos. I bet we will receive a boat load of photos next week! :)

Norwegian Moose and a Little Nisse! :)

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