Monday, June 22, 2015

Kjære Søsken…Week 42

Kjære Søsken, (Dear Brothers and Sisters)

Hvordan går det? Whats up?! How is life?! Life over here in Sarpsborg is a little wet...but hey, it’s still BEAUTIFUL! I love Norway so much! :) 

So we had our moves calls (transfers) this week. Me and my companion are staying! Yay! But... our district leader is leaving and his companion and sister missionaries are taking over their area. The sisters are Søster Rogers (who I served With in Ålesund) and Søster Leland! I am SO excited! Wahoo! We have 30 elders coming into the land in the next 3 months...NO sisters...CRAZY! Come on Sisters! Hahaha...its just because a big group of elders are leaving so they are replacing them. Then only one leaves until my group (11 sisters) leaves in like 8 months. CRAZY!

This week... I don’t even know where to begin! We are teaching this AMAZING girl who is honestly so close to my heart! I love her! She was a Foreign Exchange student in America and lived with an LDS Family. Now that she’s home, me and Søster Gates have the privilege of knowing her and her whole family! They all came to Church yesterday and it was so special!  I love that family! :)

Well, to be totally honest, I forgot my planner at homehahaha...and I am having a hard time remembering this week...oops! Life is amazing here in Norway! I love serving here with my wonderful companion Søster Gates!

I love you all so much and I miss you lots! Muah! 

Gud vær med deg til vi sees igjen,

-Søster Neilson

Happy Hearts! <3

Summer Solstice this week...
The sunset just after 11PMCRAZY!

"This is Søster Kultorp! What an amazing woman!
She is almost 89 years old! She has been in this ward
her entire Church life. She is always doing family
history work and has found her family all the way
back to Noah in the Bible! I LOVE this woman so
much! She told me that when she looks at me, she 
knows I'm a missionary, not from my name tag but 
from my light! She is AMAZING!" -Søster Neilson

"Eldste Shankie is my FAVORITE! He goes home 
Wednesday. I'm going to miss this big guy!"
-Søster Neilson

Søster Neilson's Momma
Actually, her trainer Søster Hartley <3

Eldste Jacobs, her district leader, is also 
going home on Wednesday! :)

Oh My! Playing golf with the pros! 

They LOVE these darling ladies from South Africa! <3

The Mission fleet of cars in their zone. 
Søster Neilson is actually a designated driver! :)

Zone Photo with President and Sister Evans


  1. Can I request a photo of the chapel? I'm curious what it looks like! I'm loving these mission updates. So proud of you Søster Neilson!!

  2. And we love you!! We are so lucky that got to know you.

  3. It is amazing how just in that one decision to serve the Lord, you have brought together families all over the world! I can't wait to meet my new friend, Darbi and of course you when you return stateside.
