Monday, March 16, 2015

Rough, Testimony Building Week!…Week 28

Back Story:
This has been particularly hard week for our family! My father, aka Grandaddy, went in for a routine angiogram and the results were grim. He had a 90% blockage in the main artery to his heart. He had two choices: pass away from a fatal heart attack in the next 6 weeks OR undergo open heart surgery to replace the artery in his heart. There was a 30% chance he'd suffer a fatal heart attack on the table and not survive the surgery. He is 82 years old and his health is fragile. Mom and Dad discussed the options with me and my three siblings. It was decided that Dad would undergo the surgery the next morning.
Unbeknownst to us, Soster Neilson had a very emotional and difficult day on Wednesday. She couldn't put her finger on why she was so emotional. Now we know why. I believe her heart was being prepared and she was close to the her Grandaddy in spirit. Thursday was when we all received the bad news. We were able to get word to Soster Neilson regarding her Grandaddy's condition and also the joyful news that he survived surgery!
She decided to not send out a mass email today but here are a few blurbs from the email she sent to me…

"This week was hands down the hardest week on my mission! BUT there was never a second when I wanted to leave it or go home. The Lord is SO GOOD!"

"I was confused and worried and I knew it was grandaddy right away. I could literally feel what he was feeling. I felt like I was there with him, holding his hand."

"My heart was so full. I got a text from Soster Hartley (a Sister Training Leader and her former companion) and she said, 'Hey. Are you okay? You are coming to my thoughts A LOT right now.' WHAT?! It is so incredible the tender mercies of the Lord. I felt so much love!"

"I knew everything would work out and that Heavenly Father really was watching over us! I am so grateful to be a missionary and I know that God loves us!"

"I love you so much! Sorry there is no general letter this week. It was all in all a rough, testimony building week! I love you!!!!"

-Soster Neilson

Soster Neilson, Soster Rogers and Ase-Marie hiked 
Aksla Mountain on Pday! 

LOVE this Happy Heart! <3

BEAUTIFUL view of Alesund! 

Soster Neilson trying to be serious?! ;)

Picnic Time!

This old bunker reminds me of a Hobbit Home! :)

"I love Jesus stickers! YES we do!" -Soster Neilson

"Kult!" translation: COOL!

Ase-Marie! <3 This woman is an extension of my Mother's Heart!
She is Soster Neilson's Norwegian Mission Momma!
Forever Friends…Forever Sisters! 

"Knock and it shall be opened!"...
Unless no one lives in the beautiful old barn! :)


Sunset in Norway!
The end of a rough week…
The beginning of new possibilities!

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