Monday, April 20, 2015

Ja Hallo!…Week 33

Okay People!

I know that my emails have not been very detailed and I have been a toad about sending pictures! I'm sorry! I seriously never have time to do anything! So I have sent about 56 pictures and now here comes an email of info!

Wahooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! This week was super! So as I mentioned in my last email, we live in the back end of the Olsens' home! They are such a good family and I love them so much! Brother and Sister Olsen have 3 beautiful kids and they are so funny! They are such good people and I really admire them so much! Last Monday we had family home evening with them and the elders and watched half of Meet the Mormons! :) WHAT A GOOD FILM! It was so touching! I kept crying at random parts because the spirit was so strong! I love it! We had to leave half way through the movie but we shared a spiritual thought before we left and the spirit was amazing! On the way to drop the elders off at the bus station, we had all the windows rolled down, the sun was setting over the rolling hills of Sarpsborg and we were listening to Be Still My Soul. I can not describe the feelings that I was feeling at that moment. I felt SO much love! I felt the love that the Lord has for me and His children. In my journal I wrote "I felt the love of my Savior so much. I know that He loves me and wants to help me to do my best. The feeling I felt is indescribable. It was just pure, true, amazing LOVE! I know that my Father in Heaven loves me and wants to help me." I really do know that!

So this week, Søster Grubaugh and I did a lot of finding! (that is when we go bonk on doors and contact people on the street!) We ran into this man who was working on his car in his garage. He was very kind and listened to all we had to say. He told us that he wished he could believe in something but he just can't. He then began to tell us how he is jealous of others who have a belief because he thinks its cool but he just isn't that kind of person. He also said he would love to find the truth and I testified that this gospel was the truth. Sadly he just kind of shrugged his shoulders and said "eh maybe but I'm not interested" (in Norwegian of course) I was so sad! I knew we had what he wanted and what he was jealous of but he wouldn't listen! We gave him a Mormons Bok and told him that it will help him in his life and they he said "haha maybe but I'm pretty stubborn."  I smiled and said "Me too. I know God lives and loves you. Have a great day!" He laughed as we walked away but I really could feel Gods love for this man! It breaks my heart but I know the Lord is preparing him!

So there is this family of investigators named the Taliks. They are from Bosnia and they are amazing! They have 9 kids... wahooo! That house is busy! I love those kids SO much! They are the sweetest and they seriously love missionaries SO MUCH!!!! We made a huge chocolate cake with them this week and watched a film called "The Testaments!" They LOVED it! It is about Jesus Christ and when he came to visit his people in Ancient America! We had a great lesson about God's love and they all always want to say the opening and closing prayers! I love them! Such a good family and they really are making those important steps towards baptism. :)

Last Wednesday the elders went on splits while the Zone Leader was visiting our area. He was companions with Eldste Crook for a day. We all went out and had dinner together and it was super fun! Søster G and I were walking back to the car afterwards (which was like a 10 minute walk) and we see this little old hobo walking our way... He saw us, threw both of his arms into the air, and started sing "Hey Jude" but he changed the lyrics. He said "nahhhh nahhh nahhh nah nah nah nahhh nah nah nah I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Bahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha it was so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved it! I started clapping and singing along and then we just walked away laughing…haha...I think it made his day! :)

I just have to say I love my district! The elders I serve with are the best and are absolutely hilarious! Eldste Crook is my district leader and he is from Idaho! Eldste Kemp is his greenie and he is also from Idaho! They live in Fredrikstad so we serve in the same ward. The other two elders live in Moss which is pretty far away...Eldste Jacobs and Eldste Arnold! They are so funny!!!! I am so grateful I can serve with them!

So the Olsen's daughter, Lisa, just turned 15 and in the Filipino culture that is like a HUGE deal! They threw this HUGE party with ball gowns, dancing and feasting! I'm not going to lie, I felt a little under dressed... and I wear a skirt every day! was so fun! The Olsens are such a good family and I love them very much!

So I have a couple of stories before I go...
FIRST STORY: Our investigator, Joe, came to church this Sunday. This was his second time in church and he walked in like he owned the place! Everyone greeted him and loves him! He came into Sunday school, sits down and looks at me and Sister G and says, "Remember how you told me I needed to pray...I did. I HAVE to talk to you after class!" He was very serious and we both know that he doesn't really believe in God. So after class he comes up to us and says "Last night I decided I needed to try praying. I began praying and asking many questions. I didn't get any answers but I just asked my questions anyway and that was all. In the middle of the night, I was woken up by a voice saying 'you did not end your prayer in the name of Jesus Christ' I was so shocked! I sat up and looked around but no one was there. I then ended my prayer but I couldn't go back to sleep." I was in SHOCK! I just looked at him with my mouth open and huge eyes. He then SMILED and said, "I know!" He walked away and began telling the bishop the same story! He is so amazing! He has been prepared by God. Joe is very serious and does not smile very often. He knows what he heard and he is firm in that knowledge!
SECOND STORY: So yesterday we visited the Talik family and all the kids were out playing in the front yard. So Sister G and I were playing with them and talking to their uncle Salko (who was recently baptized). The 5 year old little girl, Belma, got a splinter in her finger. She started crying and kept saying that it hurt so bad! I asked her if she wanted me to pray that it would feel better and she said yes. So all of her siblings gathered around and we said a prayer that her finger would feel better. Immediately after the prayer, she looks at me, gives me a huge hug, and says "it is gone! It doesn't hurt anymore!" hahahaha! I then read Moroni 7:33 with the kids which basically says...when we have faith in Christ, all things are possible. To that Belma responded by throwing both of her arms in the air and screamed, "Jeg tror på deg" (I believe in you!) hahahahahahaha! It was so sweet and I am so grateful for that little girl's testimony :)

Well my crazy ones! I love you all so much and I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!!!!!!!! 

Gud vær med deg til vi sees igjen,

-Søster Neilson

*Side note: I promise not to post ALL 56 photos! -Darbi

Badge of FAITH!

New companion…Soster Grubaugh!

The Bishop's sweet little girls! <3

Lisa the Birthday Girl! <3

Lisa's sweet Grandma Joy! :)

Brother and Soster Olsen the family the girls live with!
"I love them SO much!"-Soster Neilson

Soster Neilson, Mariah and Soster Grubaugh! 
Happy Hearts! <3

The Gurmark's! :)

Sweet little Blema! She's the one who had the 
faith building splinter in her finger! :)
"I believe in you!"

Salko and the sisters!

"Me and my girl!…Soster HARTLEY!"

Eldste Christianson…her MTC buddy!

Sarpsborg District shenanigans! ;)

Home Sweet Home! :)

Study Time! 

Chocolate cake fight!!! :)

Sweet members from the ward! <3

BEAUTIFUL Norway! <3

STOP in the name of the love GOD has for you!

1 comment:

  1. Sr Neilson - We so enjoyed reading your latest post - the enthusiasm for missionarty work, the love of the Lord and his people, zest for life, fun things through difficult times. Darick was surprised by the stop sign. It was different - not STOP when he was there. Such wonderful people - the Olsens - beautiful little girl with strong faith, Belma. You are truly blessed and we love being part of your weekly posts. We love you and pray for you daily. Love, Ruth & Darick Nordstrom
